Monday, August 20, 2007

Bye-bye Dodge Caravan...

Here we go! We got the Denali...and it is nice! Funny how beautifully cars have evolved since we bought our first family car...13 YEARS ago. Our Denali is a 2005, but has been babied. We are very grateful to the previous owner. :) The criteria for our daughters? It had to have a working DVD system. Check! Alas, I don't understand why the DVD screens have to be so tiny. Yes, they CAN make them bigger, but not in our case. Oh- was that me whining? Now it is official...the Roomba (vacuum) has now been replaced as the favorite non-human member of the family. Roomba stays a close second. The Roomba just can't get us comfortably to our Utah destination.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Congratulations on your new addition! It seems like the perfect vehicle to travel to Utah in. And big enough for a possible stow-away. (I'll bring my own snacks. You won't even know I am there.)