Saturday, June 14, 2008

Promotions and Pies

Its official. My girls have all been promoted to the next grade. Whew! Amanda gets the spotlight this time because she actually gets the fun of changing schools. She leaves behind middle school and goes to high school next fall.Amanda (in back) and friend Allison and Monica

James has had a great berry crop in the backyard!
He made some scrumptious pies for us and I thought I'd show you his masterpieces. If James were blogging, he would like to tell the Story of the Berries. Once upon a time, his family lived in Studio City, California against a hill. There were wild boysenberries growing on the hill. They were delicious and, unlike most berries, they had no thorns. When the Green family moved to Sherman Oaks, the berry starts went with them. As adults, the boys now have the same berry starts in their own gardens. During peak season, James can pick enough berries for a pie each day! James' mother's pie recipe has also followed the berries. As the kind and giving wife that I am, I have allowed James to be the sole berry pie maker in the house. He's really good at it, and also likes to make the fancy-schmancy lattice. This is where he used to drag me into the fun. I nipped that in the bud and got him a lattice-cutter gizmo last year for his birthday. Whew!


Kari said...

Very cool! But... does he clean his mess when he's done? Okay, so glad that I finally know who Susie, Suz, Susan is. It's you. I thought it was, but then I click on your name, and it's unavailable. What's up with that?? I'm so glad I found you too. I posted some comments earlier, and then thought that maybe you were mad at Oscar (from fixing a car) and so you didn't want to get in touch with me. I was so sad that you never came to my blog to say hi. So now, I'm NOT sad anymore, and I'm very happy that we've finally connected. I remember back in N.P. ward that I wanted to be YOU! You are such a good mom, and so calm... so what I want to be. Well, I'm NOT calm, and I try to be a good mom, but nothing like you. And now I hear all these great things about you and your jewrely bus., and I'm just so glad to keep in touch. AND your girls. MY MY, I'm sure your nervous about the future with them, or maybe you're there now. You have such a good looking family, and I miss you guys so much! Okay, I've rambled long enough. I'll be stalking your blog again soon enough!

Audrey said...

OHHHH those pictures make my mouth water. (and start some cravings - hint hint) I am still exercising off the last pie I devoured with ice-cream! James, you have mastered this culinary treat for sure!

Marilee said...

Mark would go ga ga over this pie....mmmm, warmed up with ice cream ala mode. Nothing better in Mark's book. Me? I need chocolate!

Kairle Oaks said...

YUM! I wan't some! How come I never knew you had delicious berries? Do you think that you could get one of those pies into Briellie's suitcase?

Kairle Oaks said...

Oh, and BTW...

Tami Sue said...

Did I ever tell you that Boysenberry pie is my VERY FAVORITE kind of pie??? Too bad my birthday is in November. hee hee