Saturday, May 17, 2008

Out in the Garden...week 1

Normally, I love gardening. There are exceptions to this; namely, I don't like to get dirty and sweaty. I also don't like to weed a garden that is going to produce more weeds the second I turn my back.

In the past, my springtime garden skills went in full swing when I was baby-hungry and I needed to nurture something. Once I passed up the garden skills and just went into the bird-breeding business---but that is another story. Brielle was born about 9 months from that time anyway.

I assure you that there will be no more baby-making here---but I am ready to cultivate this mess of a backyard/garden this year. Here are the cast of characters you can look for throughout the Spring and Summer:

The Tethered-One.

"...But this time I promise I WON'T jump the fence and get stuck on the neighbor's patio cover for three days...."

One of many lizards. The fat ones were hiding from the camera.

The Cat That Couldn't Jump a Fence
(even if her life depended on it).

My two best friends. Gloves and Digger Claw. I can't do anything in the garden without them.

The North Corner. Its a curious eye-sore now, but give us time. That Lemon Tree was brought home with the Mandarin (below). It has shown its gratitude with a little crop of the best-lemons-ever 2 months ago.

The Berry Crop. We might even have a few pies this year, Audrey!

The Ugly Sisters. These plants didn't start out as a mess, of course. After 7 years of neglect, these uglies will finally get a little Spa Treatment this year.

The South Corner. You are looking at the Stumps From Heck. They haven't budged in 2 years.

The Mandarin Orange Tree. When we adopted this poor plant 2 years ago from Costco, we promised to plant it in the South Corner. The tree is barely clinging to life...


Kari said...

Hey! I had no idea you had so many cool trees in the backyard, not to mention the in-depth characters playing vital roles in the gardening plot. I can't wait to read the Greenhouse Backyard Gardening Adventures.

Nice cat pictures, too :)

Marilee said...

I have heard of dogs and kids on leashes, but a cat? I think she deserves it though after that escapade at the neighbors.

I want a fruit tree IN my house. I think a lemon one would be cherry and pretty.

PS. look at my blog, you will LOVE it!

Audrey said...

You better get out there and nurture those berries! My whole summer diet is centered around those amazing pies! ps. What is the secret of the newspaper on the ground? My 1 cala lily is still struggling. Your garden by your front door makes you a gardening goddess in my eyes.

Kairle Oaks said...

Hey, when you get done there will you please come up and help in my garden?!

Aprilyn said...

Go SUSIE! I hope you get your gardening done.