Wednesday, May 30, 2007

James is home

Yesterday, the 29th, James and I entered the hospital at 2:00pm for all necessary paperwork, even though his surgery wasn't til 4:pm. I left him at 3:45 and didnt hear from the doctor til after 7. I had been quite ancy for the past hour. Surgery was fine, and the doctor said he used the absolutely largest bone graph he could get. We are really grateful for the person who donated this. If you've received a 'donor part' before, you'll know that you also receive a reminder note to send to the donor's family. We've never seen James drunk before, but it is no stretch of the imagination to imagine him totally snoggered. He thought he was the life of the party in the OR. As he was wheeled to Recovery, he regretted that his 'quick wit' had failed him. Those escorting him just rolled thier eyes! The young, cute nurse from OR heaved a heavy sigh as she said to the Recovery floor nurses, "Who gets him now?" James received a blessing before all this that all would be well if he would adhere to the doctor's advice. Uh-hem..... Obviously someone knows James better than the rest of us! He couldn't wait to leave the recovery room. He's hooked up to no less than 3 machines, and he thinks he can just skip on out when he wants. I knew I had the reins on this Buggy Ride. I had to constantly remind him of the "doctor's orders clause" of his blessing. That would be good for, what?, maybe 5 min?...

We left the hospital around midnight. This morning James had a machine delivered to the house. Its a CPM. Basically, it flexes his leg for him. He'll be hooked up to that for about 4-6 hours a day. James is managing his pain nicely with good drugs.

Those of you that are not easily grossed out--you can google OATS. That is the procedure he had. For real fun, also google the images.

Thanks for all your calls and concerns. He's doing great! I'm just really going to miss my dishwasher, lawn mower, garbage can hauler, morning school-bus driver....... you get the idea.


mama jo said...

hope he recovers fast...thanks for lurking around my blog..

Kairle Oaks said...

I've been thinking a lot about James today. You'll probably get a phone call before your read this post.