Monday, November 17, 2008


When you don't have your own accident-prone 9 year old son, what do you do to pass the time?

Well, us 5 ladies sit back and wait for the man of the house to hurt himself, so we can quiz him on the events that led up to the wounding. Usually he is unaware of his gaping wounds, but this time he couldn't brush it off!On Saturday the 8th of November, James was Four-Wheeling with boys and men from church. James crashed big time. He got hurt big time. Did he go to the doctor? No. That would have been nice, but inconvenient for Mr.Toughy.His self-diagnosis was 1) bruised ribs from hitting the handlebar (which bent) and 2) a badly scraped arm from the tire's sandy wheel. He may have been right about the bruised ribs; but later realized that it was the EXHAUST PIPE which damaged his arm. I have been designated as his nurse. I wish I had a real medical professional in the house! In spite of what you may have heard, husbands and wives should NOT play doctor.I also wish I had photos to prove what a knucklehead he is being for not seeking medical advice, but I know many of you have weak stomachs.


On a bright note, James has been a very good boy--it appears--- and is now in our Bishopric at church. He is a 2nd counselor to the Bishop. We are ready to support him in this new adventure!
First on my list: get the girls to church on time. I'll need an army of angels on my side.
Second on my list: to have a traditional Sunday Dinner worthy of a 2nd counselor, waiting for him when he returns home from a busy day of meetings. Grilled cheese sandwiches just won't cut it anymore. Okay--- so they rarely came close to his mother's Sunday Dinners.