I dont know about you, but I just love summer. I just love, love, love it! I expressed this to sweet Monica today as we were driving home from her dentist appointment; being in the car together with our Jamba Juices, with the sun shining down, with the air conditioner---is the best. I just love getting to hang out with my girls. But another Best for me is being in the garden each morning before anyone is awake. I am going to have oodles of cherry tomatoes in another week.
James' knee is getting back to normal. Hes' been gimpy for so long, he has to re-learn to walk straight again. I think that is all the Physical Therapy he cares to do.......jk James!
I am also becoming a late-night junkie. I feel like a rebellious teen again and refuse to put myself to bed at a decent hour! This is only self-defeating because I only miss out on the best part of the morning hours when I do that. hee hee